Wednesday, September 24, 2014

soap week

This has been soap week for me.  Not soap as in tv show, soap as in bubbly shower bars.   I make soap with my goat's milk, its luxurious!    I have several orders for soap and am out, so a-soaping I will go...
 This is 2 batches, cut into nice big bars.  One is basic without anything extra, one has a Sweet Meadow fragrance and my house smells divine!  

On the easel, I am working on a painting of a father and son hunting,during a hoar frost.    This is the last photo I took, and its in an ugly stage now, so I dont' post those!    This is 18x24 on Uart paper, 600g.
My time is short this week, I have a horse event coming up that is taking much of my time, and most of my thoughts!    More on that next time.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Rena the Bay Mare

I recently had the pleasure of painting Rena, an endurance horse owned by Debra J., from MN.   If I remember correctly, Rena was a rescue horse, who had some issues that were tough to overcome, but look at her now!   A beautiful deep bay with sparkling eyes!     Thank you Ms. Debra for the honor of painting this lovely mare!

Here's the start, on a piece of chocolate brown Colorfix paper.   I transferred my sketch, added a deep background with blues, browns and purples.   I hit the highlights and areas where her coat is the most rich in color.   And tagged on her tail, which she often has flipped to this side, love a mare with some 'tude!

Here's a close up of her face, almost done.  I went back in and worked her eyes a bit more, adding some sparkle.  

And the (almost)final.   I went back once more and added some definition around her muzzle, and yet again, didn't take another photo.   ugh, I would love to quit making that mistake!!     This painting has since made it to Debra, who was pleased.      Can I paint your critter?    Paintings are easy to ship and I've never heard anyone claim buyer's remorse from getting original artwork!!