Thursday, February 5, 2015

Easy come, easy go

I hope this page finds you--I am not getting along with goggle at this moment!    My blog has decided to not let me on to update new posts.   After much hassle, I hope the easiest option proves to work out, as I had to start it over!   Argh!   

As another part of my fun, I had to do taxes this week.   Might I pass along some helpful tips?   Keep good records!   Of every little thing!   

This little file folder is a big help--every thing goes into the correct month.  Pretty simple really.    But, it can only do so much--I didn't put in enough information.   I have a sales slip from last February that lists a painting total of $208., 'to pay later'.     Now I have no idea what painting it was, so I cannot be sure if I even got paid for it.   I figure I just paid $200. for a lesson in bookkeeping.   

I hope you can learn from my possibly expensive lesson.   

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