Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Too Darned Cold!

All was nice here one day, then pow, next day winter has set in with a vengeance!  eek!  
Ah, well, that's ok, as my studio is very cozy.   I am hard at work doing Christmas commissions, but in between, I snuck in a couple smalls of my own.   Both 8x10, one is framed and one is simply in one of my 'package frames'....a very inexpensive document type frame that just snaps on, and makes for a very easy way to ship, store and view works.  

A hay bale in new snow, with a rooster pheasant on top.   framed with a rustic style and no-glare glass.

A view from a recent plein air trip to DeSmet, home of Laura Ingalls.  And I didn't make this up, it was really just this way!   "Breaking Thru" 8x10 pastel

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

My Happy Place

I hope everyone has one, as I really think its completely essential.   Especially if you create, having a place of one's own, where you can make a mess and leave it, make mistakes and not worry about what anyone thinks, the freedom to experiment, and somehow, it just feels good to be there, in that space.  Big or small, but it must be your own.

I love love love my studio!!  It was built to my spec's a few years ago when the whole house was built.  I got to say what lights went in, where the switches are, what color to paint the walls.    For that, I went with what I had read, a neutral grey, is best.  I painted both the frame room and studio a dove grey.   I kinda liked it, I lived with it, and about a year ago I came to realization that I hate it.   Truly despise it, as it feels like a prison.  So I think, as I've never actually been to a prison, but this is what I imagined it to feel like.  Dismal, gloomy, grey.   

And, I also came to the conclusion that my studio is MY happy place, and should be as I wish.   I have long loved cream/butter/yellow.   I love farmhouse style.   Simple off white elegance.   So why shouldn't my bestest happy place be the happy color I love?   So, without further ado, I went looking at swatches.  

You would think simple cream would be, well, simple to get.   There are tons of 'cream' colors.   I finally chose one that looks very much like the rich cream of my neighbor's jersey cow.    And a lovely sage green for the trim, which currently is also grey.   Sadly, I am really busy and didn't think I  have time to get to this project.  But, today, I succumbed and just did one wall.   I just couldn't wait another day!!  

I am sure the photos don't show how perfectly charming it is, but trust me, its now so much more of a happy place!
you can see how much brighter the cream is vs. the grey, I think my paintings will look better against it.   The cream is also semi gloss whereas the grey was eggshell and just ate any light it could get.   blah! 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Black Hills Ride

A few posts ago I mentioned a horse event and I'd like to share that with you now.   I have always loved to ride, and I tried different things like roping, barrels, and trails.   The trails won out, hands (or hoofs?) down.   My mom had me riding for miles and miles since I was little and its that kind of riding I still like best.  In fact, I seldom do anything other, except round up cows now and then.  

So it seems pretty natural that endurance riding has always appealed to me too.   Going long distances, on one horse, in a certain amount of time.   How I've drooled over the idea!!!   For years now!    But it seemed out of reach by now, and that was sad to me. 

I thought though, I could buy one of those nifty lightweight saddles.   So I did.  And it was good.   Then I thought, hmm, how bout one of those classy breast plates and a sweet little hackamore?   oh yes, I got those too, and it was better yet.   hmm.   Now I am thinking, maybe I can just go watch an endurance race, help out a bit?    Or, better yet, try it?!  Did I dare?   My horse isn't one of those streamlined Arabian beauties, but rather a big ol lug of a quarter horse.   So after MUCH encouragement from friends and family, I signed up.   And it was GREAT!!    I laughed, I cried, and I slept in the rain.   And I can't wait to try it again!

 The open area where we camped,
 we're in the middle there.
  My neighbors were some awesome 
gals who were helpful and fun.

Just ridin down the trail on ol' view in the world!

the vet check area