Monday, June 5, 2017


As most are, I'm getting pretty busy with all that summer brings.   I still want to make sure I get in something artistic, and often! 

I recently wanted to try a fountain pen again.  I've had another but I somehow didn't warm up to it enough and it went dry--then I ruined it by cleaning it improperly.  Yea me.  

So I went looking and found this one that was very inexpensive but had a good rating.  I love this thing!   Its got a metal body and feels so royal!   Its just fun to use, so I've been doing some ink sketching.   Its hot and buggy, so standing too long isn't a good idea; and ink sketch can be PDQ...Pretty Darn Quick!    It came with ink that washes with water, so I'll be switching to another waterproof type (trying Noodlers this time), as I like to put a color wash on after inking.  

I also got my first Moleskin sketchbook.   Its tiny, and I do like the paper.  But the cost makes me feel like it can only be used for 'Official Drawings."   Whatever those are, and when they might appear?   Can't answer that.   Yeah, I have a bit of sketchbook fear.   gasp!    and I actually am more fond of the paper in this tiny Derwent sketchbook.   

I did manage to paint a small piece based on a cell phone photo I snapped while walking the dogs, and memory.   I especially like taking a photo to use that day, that hour!   There is a more plein aire flavor to it, dont' you think?