Monday, April 30, 2018

Continuing Education

We've all heard the cliche "when one door closes, another opens".  That's what happened to me last week;  for many years I've wanted to have a taste of atelier schooling.  This is very classical type of work for an artist to learn to see and render very accurately.    Its very intense, and most are far away.   I was dismayed that I couldn't go to one this summer, but a friend suggested a teacher only a few hours from me.  So I jumped at it!

Safet Musinovic has a studio in Sioux Falls SD.   I and my friend Bonnie decided on 3 days of several hours.  This seems simple enough, hahah, not so fast!   This was hard!  Its intense!   Its frustrating!   And I loved it!  Safet was a wonderful teacher, very patient and kind and helped every step of the way.  I learned sooo much, and I see so many ways I can use this in my own work, including plein air.  (painting outside).  

I worked on a cast of a mouth, while Bonnie continued on a full face of a bearded old man she'd started a few weeks ago.  A mouth, hmm...figured I'd get that done in a few hours.  Boy, was I wrong!   But its not about having a nice sketch of a mouth--I can do that in a few minutes.  Its digging deep to train the eye to see so very well.   Instead of fixing problems, you take time to be accurate from the start as much as possible.   Its making tiny marks and adjustments. 

We used hard and medium charcoal on white Canson paper, and a kneaded eraser.   Each day felt less awkward.   By day 3, Safet's words were sinking into my poor little overheated brain, and I finished my cast drawing.   All the way home I was thinking of his words, and looking in a new way.   As hard as it was, I am enthusiastic to start another learning project.   Guess this ol dog can learn new tricks.
Bonnie and I with our work

My patient teacher Safet

the beginning with a small sketch 'plan'
midway thru

Safet's super cool studio
My final drawing.