Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Clear Up Confusion About Glass

Hey gang, I hope this finds you well.   I recently learned that what types of glass are available can be confusing, so I am going to try to clear it up, and keep it short.

Hardware store....they do have glass, and its ok, but can have a greenish cast, and is often somewhat second rate. 

Clear glass...just that, clear, usually comes cleaned and is a better, more clear and less imperfections than the hardware variety.

White water....clear but has absolutely no green cast to it.   A higher grade of clear.

UV....clear, but with a coating that blocks most UV light.   Still has glare.

Then it starts into the glass types that reduce glare, which can be a big issue if the painting is hung in certain places, or especially if the painting is mostly darker in value.

Non glare...the old style of glass that has a frosted etched surface, but can make a painting look hazy and foggy. 

Reflection control....has a coating on it to all but make the glare disappear.  I very much like this type, "ultra view" by Tru Vue is the brand/name. like the reflection control but blocks 97% (or more?) of the UV light.   Best glass of all, but at a very premium price. 

I mostly use ultra view, due to the cost vs. quality.   It does block some of the harmful light, and I feel its adequate for most situations.

I hope this answers a few questions, if not, ask away!!!

On another note, I sadly missed a fun paint out last weekend, and will be a student at a workshop in a couple weeks, so decided to get in some plein air on my own.   I live in a very beautiful, peaceful place and love taking advantage of it in pastel!
Jack's Shed; 7x9 pastel    $50

Dirt Road  7x9pastel    $50

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