Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A-sketching I will go

I know I should sketch more, and have no real excuse why I don't.   When I do, its a wonderful experience, whether it was 5 minutes or 50.   I especially like sketching outside.   So when I found I had a bit of time yesterday, I took my super cool journal book and sketch kit to town with the idea to head to the local public lake area.

Its been to icy and/or muddy to walk at home, so Arty and I really enjoyed the cleared off roadway to get in a brisk walk. 

 Late in the day, we were treated to a sunset, altho it didn't sport wild  colors, the serenity of it was awesome.    

 After the walk, I found this little spot, with a log to sit on, for a little sketch.    Arty stood watch so I could lose myself in my journal book.

 This little journal book is pretty cool, with the leather cover, and stitched in pages.   I've not used it yet tho, even having owned it for a couple years.  It was a gift from a friend, and I guess I avoided it because I didn't want to 'ruin it'.  Sound familiar?   I bet so!   But, she gave it to me to use, and its so cool I just can't let it collect dust, I want to use it!    It currently has lined pages, but since I dont' write much, I am using it for sketching.   The lines are handy tho, as I am liking to have a place to write a few words about the sketch or the day.

I knew I didn't have much time before it was too dark, so I opted for walnut ink and pen.   Quick and simple was all I was after.   

Its not a masterpiece by any means, but so what?  I enjoyed it, this sort of thing is more about the experience than the product, made even better since I got to use my super cool journal book.    And it was a very sweet experience!   


Patty said...

Lovely! Good reminder to those of us who have supplies that are too precious to use. Haul them out and get them dirty!

Pastel Chris said...

That's exactly the point! We artists seem to collect these lovely things then just let them sit, labeling them 'too good' or fear of 'ruining' them. eh, use em up, and enjoy it! thanks for the comment Patty!