Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fencing n Fizz

Today was busy busy!   Well, last couple weeks have been, as is usual for most this time of year.   I got my new endurance saddle, and its amazing!   It was custom fit to my horse, and fits him well.   Couldn't be happier with it.

Daughter went on her first out of town trip--to visit friends in Iowa for graduation.   I learned I am NOT ready for empty nest!  

But today she was a huge help in getting my garden fence up.   Without it, I may as well not bother as the hounds run thru it, the chickens peck and scratch it up, the cats, well, eww.   I like having flowers and vegs and berries all mixed, a rather eclectic garden.  
This last week also brought me 7 bottle calves to raise, using some of my goat's milk and some milk replacer.  

For art, well, with all this I've been slacking a bit.  I have about finished Fizz and he will be leaving to Wisconsin tomorrow!   His owner decided she liked it so much to buy it, thanks J.!  
I will be working on some sketches of another horse for a client, and I'm rather in the mood for some small 'quiet' pieces.   Everything is waking up, the birds are singing so much, and there is just a sweet feeling in the air, and sweet smells too--all that just makes me want to paint something small and sweet.  

There is still time and a few openings left for my workshop, but the deadline closes June 20th, so don't put it off too long!   I will cover materials, techniques, color and value.    This is NOT a class to be afraid of, it will be fun, you will learn in the process and there is room for both beginners and those who've worked in pastel before.   It will be in a quiet, beautiful location, so just join in, and spend a weekend having a good time learning with like-minded people!  

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