Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dubuque Paint Out and Artists' Block

I am finally getting back to normal, or as normal as I get!   I was juried into a larger paint out than I've ever done before.   After the DeSmet paint out that I've done several times, I also decided up upgrade my painting set up.   Easier said than done!  Took 3 tries to find what felt right for me.  

This paint out, called "Bluff Strokes", for all the bluffs in the area, was back in Iowa near where I grew up.   It was also a full week long!  So off we, Arty and I, went.   The first few days I was flailing terribly.   I just couldnt' get the art to flow.  Argh, a really bad time for an artist block!   And the more it is a struggle, the more tense I get. 

Then I was going into the city of Dubuque, which is very hilly--and I could no longer deny that my tahoe was having difficulties with the brakes.   Feeling pretty defeated, I called my folks and they came to my rescue.   The next morning I was sitting in their fix-it shop, getting an entire brake job.    As much as this seemed a set back, it rather Re set my mindset, and the rest of my week kept going better.  

On Friday evening was the Patron Show.   It was one of the best shows I've seen.  The quality of work, the way it was displayed and the live music was awesome.   I sold 3 paintings done in the area, and one studio work!  Yes!

Saturday was the public sale, and the end of the event.  As awful as it started, by the time I headed home I was pretty pleased.    I have many nice photos of the area I'd like to work from in the studio when the weather turns, I got to spend time with a long time friend, and my folks.  Arty and I  hiked the Swiss Valley area, which was a wooded area with beautiful trails.  

So what does a person do when they get hit with an artist block?  Paint thru it.  Go hiking.  Get your car fixed 🙄    When it hits, it feels as if I will never be able to paint well again.  Not so!  Does this happen to anyone else?  I am certain it does!  
a very common road in Dubuque area.

9x12 pastel on panel, Hillotp Barn; Dubuque Iowa

My new set up working well by a quiet roadside pond

2 works before being framed.  both sold

overlook in a park, of the Julian Dubuque Bridge on the Mississippi

hiking the trails at Swiss Valley campground area


Patty said...

Way to work through the tough spots. Painting plein aire for an entire week is exhausting! And you did it!!
Congratulations Mighty Artist, I am truly impressed. And congrats on the sales, smart patrons!

Pastel Chris said...

Ah Patty, thanks so much! a week was grueling long! I learned a lot, and ended up with a very good experience.