Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Framing the 30

My framing table has taken a pretty hard hit this week!

I've not been slacking but I cannot show just yet--I am working on some commissions that will remain under wraps for a while yet.

But, its been dreadful hot so I've also been in the studio framing up a storm!   

In both August and September I will going to paint outs such as this one in DeSmet. This year we can show a few other works as well, so I am framing some of my favorite from the "30/30" project (April).   I am continuing the experimenting from the 30 days with the framing.  I've tried a few new things, and am very pleased at the results!
Some of my small works in their new 'outfits'!

I've went with a few different styles, I just can't pick one for every piece.    Some are in vintage frames, some in new, some have various styles of matting, some not at all.

Paint Outs are some of my favorite things, and this year I'll have my pal, Arty, for company!  

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