Saturday, April 9, 2016

# 8 is late

I tried to paint earlier yesterday.  I painted a grove of trees.  And it was awful!  Daughter thought not, but I thought it was so bad, I will not show it.   I tried to rework it, and that killed any chance of it's survival.  

Part of the trouble was it was nice out and all I wanted to do was go work with a horse.  So I rushed.  You can't rush a good thing, and no matter how many others say painting earlier in the day is best, maybe not for everyone!    Being a bona fide night owl, I am learning I might be better to paint later, when all the outside fun is over.  When Stableboy and Daughter don't need me for anything, and even the dogs are less active.  

So I threw away the offending work, and started another.   I was kinda tired, but knew if I didn't get one done, I'd lay in bed tired but very frustrated.     This is what came of it, and I was happy I pushed on.  
6x9 uart 500  Pasture Trail Study

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