Saturday, April 30, 2016

Turning Grey, The End

A group of young horses were swirling around, snorting and bucking.  The grey colt was prancing around, then seen something in the distance.  He stopped short and turned in the same motion; just at the same time a beam of golden light streaked across the prairie from the setting sun, making the colt glow.  

For this I used some suede board, which makes animals' fur/hair come alive.   

Turning Grey   9x12 on suede board 

And one more concludes my 30 paintings in 30 days project....when riding with my neighbor, we came across this group of trees with pretty purple flowers on the banks. 
Flowered Banks   uart500   7x10  
So this concludes the 30/30, and I am tired!  And happy!   I learned so very much; I think this is one of those things you cannot understand until you actually do it for yourself.   I do admit I need a break tho., just a day or 3 to rest up.   I had done a studio tidy a few days ago but need to put pastels in order yet, this made a mess of them.   My 'wall o' work' is really fun to see!

Every painting is for sale, nothing over $100, many at $50 and under.   If you'd like to make one your own, speak up before someone else does!

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